Last year Dartmouth made headlines around the globe for a tiny innovation: the world’s smallest untethered mobile robot. A joint project between Dartmouth computer scientists and Thayer School engineers, the microrobot was created in the microengineering lab in Cummings Hall. We asked microengineering lab director Professor Christopher Levey, co-PI and lead creator of the breakthrough robot’s electromechanical design and fabrication, to tell us how he and his colleagues took microrobots to a whole new level.

Just how small is this robot?

The entire robot is under 10 micrometers thick — one-tenth the thickness of a human hair — and consists of a locomotion drive that is 60 micrometers by 120 micrometers and a steering arm that is 8 micrometers by 130 micrometers. When placed on a penny and viewed through a microscope it looks like a hair on Lincoln’s chin.

What is the significance of this being an untethered mobile robot?

Whereas earlier mobile devices this size were powered via wires or rails, our robot moves freely on its surface. It is the tiniest robot without tethers that is engaged in its own locomotion and steering. Power and instructions are broadcast from a grid of electrodes buried under the surface it walks on — there is no direct electrical contact.

How does the robot move?

The robot contains two independent actuators — the “scratch drive” for forward locomotion and the steering arm for turning. The scratch drive moves like an inchworm, moving forward an average of 10 nanometers each step. We have demonstrated this motion for more than 40 million such steps with no sign of fatigue, covering a distance of about one foot over the course of half an hour. If a person took that many steps, she would travel halfway around the world. The robot turns by snapping down a paddle on the end of its steering arm, then pivoting around it. An operator can control forward motion and turning with a sequence of commands through the wireless transmission that also powers the motion.

How did this idea come to you?

About eight years ago, I was having a discussion with Bruce Donald and Daniela Rus, both computer science professors at Dartmouth at the time (Bruce is now at Duke, and Daniela is at MIT), about their work involving large-scale (brick-sized) self-reconfiguring robots. We started thinking about how to develop similar robot modules but on a much, much smaller scale. Such robots would have several advantages: they would be on the right scale to interact with other very small things and we could make large numbers of them at very low cost by using the microfabrication techniques first developed for the microelectronics industry. The complex interactions of thousands of robots could lead to effects that are qualitatively very different from those of just a few robots, in the same way that the behavior of a computer is much richer than that of a few switches.

What kind of collaboration went into the creation of this robot?

Micromachining research spans a broad range of disciplines, including electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering, physics, materials science, computer science, and robotics. The success of this microrobot is a reflection of Thayer’s non-departmental focus and a strong interdisciplinary collaboration that spanned across Dartmouth. It started with the brainstorming session I had with Bruce Donald and Daniela Rus and grew to include many others, particularly recent computer science doctoral student Craig McGray Adv’05 and current doctoral candidate Igor Paprotny, who did most of the work. Thayer School Professors Ursula Gibson ’76 and Francis Kennedy and Ellen Pettigrew ’08, an intern with Dartmouth’s Women in Science Project, also helped.
TIDY WORK: Levey and his colleagues worked on the minuscule robot in Thayer School’s microengineering lab.TIDY WORK: Levey and his colleagues worked on the minuscule robot in Thayer School’s microengineering lab.

What challenges did your team face and how did you overcome them?

Given the minute size of the robot and the delicate environment in which it operates, we faced many challenges. The broadest was how to pack the functionality of locomotion, steering, memory, power delivery, and reception and decoding of control commands into this small a package. We met this challenge by keeping it simple; the entire robot is a single piece of silicon. There are no parts to assemble and no batteries or microprocessors to wire up. Memory is stored in a simple spring-loaded electromechanical switch, the steering arm, which also serves mechanically to make the robot turn.
We also needed to develop a surface environment that would supply power to the robot without using wires, tracks, springs, or other physical connectors. I came up with the idea of using a grid of interdigitated electrodes buried in an insulator to induce a charge polarization in the robot and a resulting vertical force. The scratch-drive mechanism then translates this force into lateral locomotion. After considerable effort by the graduate students in the Thayer microengineering lab fabricating this environment, we found that this scheme works well. It is a “one-wire” system, that is, there is a single signal wire plus one ground wire attached to the environment. All commands are also sent on the signal wire, and distributed uniformly over the environmental surface, to be decoded by the robot.
Another challenge was how to address various steering arms and scratch drives individually. Our analysis showed that we could not do this using the standard microfabrication techniques, which allow a designer control of only in-plane shapes; we needed to curl our devices up out of the plane. We took advantage of a previous Thayer microengineering lab invention to do this: Stress Engineered Micro-Structures (SEMS). Engineers working on micromachines typically try to minimize stress gradients in their materials so objects won’t curl. In previous work with former Thayer School Professor Al Henning ’77 Adv’79 and graduate student Chia-Lun Tsai Th’98, we controlled stress gradients to create usefully curved micromachine parts. The trick is to add a “stressor” layer under tension to the top of the device and to control the extent of the resulting curl through in-plane patterning of the size of the stressor. We now use this SEMS technique to add just the desired curl to our robot steering arms, and hence to allow control of individual arms: Arms curled a long way from the base are thereby programmed to respond only to high signal voltages; arms with little curl will snap down in response to lower voltages.
An obstacle we needed to overcome was that of charging. We found that the scratch drive built up an electrostatic charge, causing it to occasionally stick to the surface. We got around this by alternating positive and negative charges. If the environment charges up positively, a fraction of a second later we switch to a negative waveform to reverse that process. We keep reversing the polarity in order to avoid building up any one charge. The robot responds equally to either polarity.

What is the most significant feat you accomplished in creating this microrobot?

Moving robots this size anywhere we want in two dimensions is a tremendous accomplishment. We managed to free scratch drives from rails and tethers and then added a tiny silicon paddle (coated on the upside with chromium — the SEMS stressor layer) so the robot can turn on command. We can control the paddle’s motion separately from the scratch drive; the paddle responds to higher voltage levels. And by varying the size and shape of the paddle, we can create robots that respond to various voltages.
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The way bats rapidly flap their wings in flight could inspire new designs of flying robots, according to a new study.

Researchers studied how fruit bats use their wings to manipulate the air around them. Understanding how these processes work in nature could help engineers design small flying robots, known as "micro air vehicles," with flapping wings, the scientists said.

"Bats have different wing shapes and sizes, depending on their evolutionary function," Danesh Tafti, a professor in the department of mechanical engineering and director of the High Performance Computational Fluid Thermal Science and Engineering Lab at Virginia Tech, said in a statement. "Typically, bats are very agile and can change their flight path very quickly — showing high maneuverability for midflight prey capture, so it's of interest to know how they do this."

Fruit bats, and more than 1,000 other species of bats, have wings made of flexible, "webbed" membranes that connect their fingers, the researchers said. Fruit bats typically weigh about an ounce (30 grams), and their fully extended wings can each measure roughly 6.7 inches (17 centimeters) in length, Tafti said.

To examine how these creatures flap their wings, the scientists collected measurements of live flying bats and used specially designed software to analyze the relationship between the animals' movements and the motion of airflow around their wings.

They found, surprisingly, that bats could change the movement of their wings in order to maximize the forces generated by the flapping. This means a bat can increase the area of its wing by as much as 30 percent to maximize favorable forces as it pushes downward. Conversely, a bat can decrease the area of its wing by a similar amount as it flaps upward, which helps minimize unfavorable forces pushing down and keeps the bat agile midflight.

"It distorts its wing shape and size continuously during flapping," Tafti said.

By mimicking these flapping motions, engineers could design more efficient flying robots, the researchers said.

"Next, we'd like to explore deconstructing the seemingly complex motion of the bat wing into simpler motions, which is necessary to make a bat-inspired flying robot," study co-author Kamal Viswanath, a research engineer at the Laboratories for Computational Physics and Fluid Dynamics at the U.S. Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C., said in a statement.

The researchers also hope to examine how different wing motions, not just surface area, affect the force produced by the flying bat.

"We'd also like to explore other bat wing motions, such as a bat in level flight or a bat trying to maneuver quickly to answer questions, including: What are the differences in wing motion, and how do they translate to air movement and forces that the bat generates?" Tafti said. "And finally, how can we use this knowledge to control the flight of an autonomous flying vehicle?"
Robot fish could one day be enlisted for undercover science missions.
A soft-bodied robot that looks and swims like a fish was unveiled by researchers at MIT this week; they say something like it might be able to infiltrate schools of real fish and gather data about their behavior.
The autonomous robot swishes side-to-side underwater as different parts of its body are inflated and deflated with a fluid stored as a gas onboard, the creators explained in a video. The result is a flexible robofish can execute escape maneuvers just as quickly as a real fish can — turning its body in a mere 100 milliseconds.

For years roboticists have been working on durable, flexible bots that mimic other squishy creatures, such as earthwormlike robots that could survive blows from a hammer and octopus-inspired bots that could squeeze into small places for exploration or search-and-rescue operations. 
The newly revealed robot belongs to a long line of fish-inspired creations, including RoboTuna, an underwater automaton with 2,843 parts controlled by six motors that came out of MIT in 1994.
Since the new fish robot is self-contained, it does need some hard parts inside its soft body. The "brains" of the fish, or all of its rigid pieces of hardware, are stored at the head, while the robot's lower half and tail are more pliable, the researchers explained. The team used a 3D printer to make the molds for casting the fish's silicone rubber parts.
In addition to greater flexibility and durability than their rigid counterparts, soft robots may be safer for humans.
"As robots penetrate the physical world and start interacting with people more and more, it's much easier to make robots safe if their bodies are so wonderfully soft that there's no danger if they whack you," Daniela Rus, director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, said in a statement.
There is at least one practical drawback to the robot in its current iteration: It exhausts its supply of carbon dioxide gas after just 20 or 30 escape maneuvers. The researchers hope a next-generation version of the fish will be able to swim for a half-hour straight, using pumped water instead of carbon dioxide to inflate the channels.
Getting robots to do our dirty work (namely cleaning) has been a human fantasy for years. Cleaning robots have even come into fruition in the last decade or so with the introduction of the wildly-popular Roomba carpet cleaner and a window cleaning robot called the Winbot. A new design called the “Mab” cleaning system wants to tackle entire rooms.

An entry in the 2013 Electrolux Design Lab competition, the Mab system was developed by Adrian Perez Zapata, an industrial design student from Columbia. The “inspired urban living” theme of this year’s competition contains an ‘effortless cleaning’ category, and the Mab concept is at the forefront.
A spherical core, into which the user pours water and cleaning solution, contains 908 mini robots. After the liquid is distributed evenly among the tiny cleaners, they disperse and hunt down dirt, which is carried back to the core. The little robots would use solar power absorbed through their wings. It’s a bold concept, and convenience isn’t the only thing Zapata wants to get across.

“The thought behind Mab is to restore a sense of wonder in the everyday life, and to recapture the magic in simple processes, providing human shelters an autonomous purification,” Zapata wrote on his project page.

Have robots gone soft? Well…yes. In recent months the trend in the robotics field has shifted from the typical human-like, metal-based machines to so-called “soft robotics.” These new innovations are based on animals such as squids, octopuses, caterpillars and starfish. The idea is for the new robots to be flexible enough to fit through small spaces.
Further developments for these pliable neologisms have come from the University of California, Berkeley, in the form of a new hydrogel that flexes in response to light. Synthetic elastoproteins are fused with graphene sheets to absorb water when cooled and release it when heated. The graphene sheets, when shone with near-infrared light, generate heat.

The hydrogel has one side that is more porous than the other, so when the near-infrared light is introduced, the heated graphene causes the proteins to let more water out of one side than the other. This process makes the material bend. Did somebody say T-1000 ?



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